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Eagle Class - Year 6

Teacher : Mr Hoodless 



Spring term

This term in Class 6 we have a wide range of exciting learning. 

Subject Learning
English We will be looking at a short narrative based on the text 'A monster calls' which will see children write about courage and suspense. We will also be writing a non-fiction newspaper report based around a well-known fairy-tale. Alongside our English writing we will also be focusing on many grammar and punctuation aspects to make sure children's writing is cohesive and high level. 
Maths Alongside our normal maths topics, we will be focusing on arithmetic and word problems in preparation for SATs. Maths topics this term will be: measurement, percentages, ratio, algebra, graphs, area and perimeter, volume and geometry.
Science In science, we are learning about energy. The first part of this term will be focused on light and how light travels as well as how we see, with the second part of the term focused on electrical circuits. 
History What does the census tell us about our local area? 
Geography Why do oceans matter? 
PE Boxercise lead by JB coaches, dance, athletics and gymnastics
RE Hinduism - Rites of passage
Computing Online safety, programming and data handling
PSHE Safety and the changing body
Art Painting and Mixed Media: Artist Study 
DT Electrical systems: Steady Hand Game 
Music Brass lessons

German - This is Germany

Lets go shopping

Magistrates in our community

Class 6 had a wonderful workshop delivered by magistrates in our community. They learnt about the role of a magistrate, how a magistrates court is set up and finally role played a scenario.