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Alpaca Class - Year 3/4

Teacher : Miss Morley

Children : Years 3 and 4

Welcome to the Alpaca Class (Class 4) page! We will be updating this page with just some of the exciting learning we do throughout the year!

Our PE days for term 5 are: Monday and Wednesday (Swimming)

What are we learning this term?
Science - Year 3 = Plant Reproduction, Year 4 = Classification and Changing Habitats
Geography - What is life like in the Alps?
Art - Drawing: Growing Artists
PSHE - Citizenship (Children's Rights)
Music - World Music: Taiko
Computing - Year 3 = Creating Media - Video Trailers, Year 4 = Computational Thinking
PE - Cricket and Swimming


By the end of year 4, children should be able to correctly spell the words on the year 3/4 spelling list. Please see the link for this list.

Term 5 Knowledge Organisers